Lacking Purpose, Health, Balance & Direction

Sometimes it takes being in a tough place in life, to finally make a change. A breaking point, a moment where and when you realize – I cannot sustain this life I am living anymore. I was at that point. I had a gazillion things going on – but nothing going on that felt well, purpose-driven. It was a soul sucking time and my health was on the decline. I needed to create balance. But how?

I have always felt like, I was made for something more (than what I was doing) I was supposed to do something different (CREATE) while I am on this earth. A women came into my store, within a few days I joined Arbonne, and the rest is well, history. Here is what it (this experience has) taught me SO FAR:

Discipline: I started with the 30-days to healthy living program which taught me a lot about the good and bad about our modern day diet. I even did the no drinking for 30- days. *little did I know this would additionally help me reach over 450 days which I am at now. Understanding the relationship we have with our food and drink is key.

You can earn $ doing something you are VERY passionate about that in turn can improve your own health for the better. For this it is via making recommendations. It just made sharing the things, I loved even better! I never really knew how/what was possible until I became an Independent Consultant. I am literally practicing what I preach (which is health living) – this is a great additional motivation for me. Switching out all my harsh, chemically nutrition, skincare and beauty products – for better choices (Arbonne).

Community: I created really good friendships with local women who inspire me and motivate me to be better on the daily, I never knew how much I needed this in my life. Daily, weekly, monthly touch-points with like-minded people with a growth mindset. Inspired every single day to be a better me.

MIND.BODY.SKIN: It taught me about the connection between these 3 things and I will never look at any of these in isolation again. Stress management, bodily function, mindfulness, selfcare, habits, good sleep, skin quality its all intertwined.

I got into the best shape of my life, mentally and physically. I can show you how you can too – whether you just want to try out the program, products or join as a consultant. An opportunity presented itself to me, now I am presenting it to you (who is reading this).

Why or why not? I am a risk-benefit gal and spent under $100 to start this business. I buy all the products anyways so using this brand really does nothing new for me except bring a whole lot of value to my overall wellbeing.


Contact me via message if you want to chat.

INSTAGRAM: Pieceandquietlife

EMAIL: pieceandquietlife@pieceandquietlife or Join my Facebook group:

Can share earnings with you – but they are on the website

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